Surrendering Your Guinea Pig


Cavy Spirit has some good advice regarding Surrendering your guinea pig.

Advertise on, We recommend requesting at least a $25 adoption fee to avoid your pet becoming snake food. If someone isn't willing to give you at least $25 for your piggy, they probably won't invest any money in veterinary care.  Establish some adoption requirements, such as cage size and location, diet requirements etc to help your piggy get a good home.

Place ads at veterinary offices, pet stores, community bulletin boards etc.  Some of the guinea pig forums allow you to post your piggies there.



Cavy House gets many requests for surrendering guinea pigs. Many of these requests are due to allergies. Lots of people who think that they are allergic to guinea pigs are actually allergic to the bedding or hay.  Switching from timothy hay to orchard grass hay, oat hay or another kind might help.You can try kiln-dried pine shavings, Care Fresh, fleece & towels or other choices for bedding.  Hopefully these changes will help.

Update January 2018:  Sorry, but Cavy House is unable to take in any guinea pigs at this time. If you’d like to surrender a guinea pig, please contact:

      Heather Bechtel of Cavy Haven at or

      Andy’s Pet Shop in San Jose.